Sunday, January 30, 2011

The Casual Goes To Tagaytay

The day has finally arrived for our most awaited casual trip in Tagaytay. It was Carla and Yeye's task to do the planning, after all it was their despedida (for being a casual).

Supposedly, it was only Thea who cannot come because she has a 2-10 shift for that day. But in the last minute, Pam, Chia, Razen and Bogs told us that they cannot come too. We felt bad but we cannot be sad for the whole day, especially when the reason why we're having this trip is to have fun and enjoy our rest day.

Our first stop, Summit Ridge. We ate first in Giligan's for our lunch then we sung our hearts out in a nearby karaoke hub. Actually, that's our only goal why we went to Tagaytay, to do karaoke. Joke. The initial plan was to do ziplining in Picnic Grove but because I already tried it and it wasn't that fun because the length of the zipline is too short, all of us agreed that it's just a waste of time if we still went there.

After singing for two hours, we went to Caleruega. I still feel that this is one of the place that makes you closer to God, with the serenity and environment. Sarap mag-reminisce during the retreat that we have during our college and like before photoshooting will never be out when you're in this place.
After doing our photoshoot at Caleruega, we went to Bag of Beans to have our dinner. Nakakagutom talaga ang walang humpay na pictorial. Hehe. But unfortunately, even though, I've always heard good things about the Bag of Beans, we've experienced the worst service in the place that time. I don't know if we're just unlucky or because the one who went to us to get our order is slow.

If we're unlucky during our dinner, we also didn't get any luck in buying pasalubong. It's already too late when we went to Rowena's to buy some tarts. The cheese tarts were the only one left, and we have to settle with that instead.
After the long trip, we went back home and even if some of us have a morning duty the following day, no one cares. We enjoyed our trip, we had fun and we would like to do this one more time.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Random Quotes

"UST is home, and home is a place you can never leave. No matter how long you have been separated, she remains a part of the fabric of your life”.  -Rev. Fr. Rolando V. dela Rosa, O.P., UST Rector Magnificus

Mass and Dinner

It's the second event for the Quadri celebration of UST.

It is also our RLE reunion today.

And I have my night duty.

Anyways, what I was really looking forward today is not just our RLE reunion but also the Thanksgiving Mass that will be presided by Cardinal Grocholewski, Legate of His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI together with the 30 Bishops. 

Pope Benedict XVI also gave a warm message to the Thomasian community through a video conference straight from the Vatican, which made all Thomasians proud.
After the mass, our RLE met up minus seven. Yup, it happens all the time only five of us are always available and only four of us are always present. Anyways, we didn't attend the formal dinner for the alumni because the tickets were a little bit pricey. There are free foods in the Barrio Fiesta but unfortunately only students were allowed to eat there.

So we decided to ate instead in the Chicken Inasal in Dapitan, and even though I only have 30minutes left before my duty I opted to stay, after all it is our RLE reunion. Although I didn't really felt that it was a reunion because the people who arrived where the same people I met everyday or rather everytime we decided to meet up.

Hay, I just hope the next time we called for a reunion, my RLEmates won't hesitate to come. I miss them so much :(

Friday, January 28, 2011

400 Years and Fireworks

Yup we are celebrating UST's 400 years of existence..the oldest university in Asia and I'm happy I'm still alive to celebrate it with them, even Rizal himself wasn't able to attend the other centennial celebration of UST, so at least lamang ako sa kanya, although I'm guessing he will not attend any celebration in UST even if he is still alive because he hates the school.

One whole week is dedicated for the University's Quadricentennial celebration but the main event is celebrated on the 27th and the 28th of January. 

The Quadri Celebration is just like the Paskuhan all over again, with the programs and everything except that the emcees of the shows were all celebrities and that there are more people not just in the Grand Stand but all over the campus.

After my duty I met up with Aaron and Tricia then we waited for Jes to arrive. Haidee and PJ were supposedly going to meet us but unfortunately wasn't able to do.
Of course the main event of the program is the pyromusical display which was so great. After the fireworks display, we meet Hannah, Daniel and Lot then we ate in BK. Then we went home.

It's a nice celebration but I'll be happier if our RLE is complete. Anyways, tomorrow is the day we decided to have our RLE reunion, in time with the Quadri celebration part 2. I just hope those guys will not be busy enough to ditch the plan.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Update News

Just received another email from my employer in UK...she's still waiting though for the decision if they would reconsider my job offer. Oh, and she already sent me a scanned copy of my NMC decision letter. I'm happy now I'm only wishing that the hospital would reconsider my job offer....*crosses fingers*

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Random Quotes

If you're not happy being single, you're not gonna be happy when you're in a relationship - Bianca, SNN

Monday, January 24, 2011

Let's Go M-A-C-A-U

I have 5 days vacation and we're in Hongkong, so why not stop by in Macau, which is just a ferry away from HK Mainland, right?

If it's my sister's task to tour us in Hongkong, it's my job to make sure we're not getting lost in Macau, but the thing is I'm not really good in reading maps. They said to experience a country, one must get lost and so our Macau Adventure starts when we we're not able to get down in our supposedly bus stop. We ended up walking instead until we reach our target hotel, which I'm telling you is not easy as it seems.
Obviously, we need to start exploring Macau immediately and so after settling ourselves in Hotel Kou Va, we immediately went to Senado Square and started our walkathon. Our first stop is obviously the Ruins of St. Paul. There are a lot of tourist, lot of shops but what I definitely like going to the ruins are the free taste of the bakeries out there. Why waste money for food when you can have it for free...wag lang magpapahalata...hehe :)

But some foods are not just free, you need to buy it like the Portuguese Egg Tart and Steamed Pork Bun. Anyways, our walkathon didn't end in the Ruins, after that we went to the Monte Fort, then to the Camoes and Casa Garden.

Thank God for the sign post like helps tourist a lot,if you still get lost while following its direction then you have a major problem in your sense of direction...
If Macau is alive during the day, the night life is not different. With all the lights a blazing in every Hotel and Casinos in Macau, I don't know if the people still sleeps or not. Of course, our tour in Macau will not be complete if we don't visit the famous hotels and casinos out there right...and with all the free shows they have could we ask for more? Free shuttle bus, free shows...this is how we tour Macau the cheapest way. :)
Our first stop is the City of Dreams, where the free Bubble Show is being shown. It is on the other side of Macau so we need to ride their shuttle. Before the show starts, we decided to tour the Venetian Hotel first. Unfortunately, we don't have enough time to explore the Hotel that much so we just saw the lobby and that's it. After seeing the show, we immediately went to the Wynn hotel for the Fountain Show and the Tree of Prosperity Show.
The following day, we decided to tour the rest of Macau with the first stop in A-Ma Temple followed by the Flora Garden where we rode a cable car to reach the Guia Hill and Fortress. We then went to the Lotus Flower then spend our time looking for the Grand Prix and Wine Museum, which is just a few blocks from where we were standing.
Of course, one should always try the food of the country you're visiting, so we decided to buy some of their traditional food, or rather their street foods, which is almost like the street food here in the Philippines although more authentic. We also tried their Milk Tea, which for me tasted the same like the one found here in our country.
Street foods (fish balls, etc), Serradura (saw dust pudding)
Our short stay in Macau is fun and more colorful, with all the picturesque scenery. But I still love HongKong with all the shopping store you could find left and right. Anyways, if given a chance I would still love to visit the place and play some games in their casinos.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

I Heart HongKong

Start the year right by doing something different and new, and that's exactly what we did by my sister...we flew to Hongkong last January 17 and spend our week in HK and Macau :)

It's my first time actually to visit other country, although it's my sister's second time to visit the place. I'm so excited to go to HK with a side trip in Macau that I drained my bank account and just left a measly amount to avoid it being closed by the bank.

Going to the international airport is just like being in a domestic one except for the immigration process and being a first timer has its own downside. The immigration lady in the counter had too many questions for me, like what will I do in HK and what's my work here and many more. I think she's suspecting me not to return when I reach HK. tsk tsk

My sister's the one responsible in guiding me in Hongkong so I didn't even bother to check vital info regarding the place and that's my big mistake. I didn't know that its freezing there minus the snow until my sister mentioned it before we leave the house, good thing I already packed my trusty jacket in my luggage. :)

It's freaking 10 degrees when we landed in HK and I'm not really used to this kind of weather especially when you consider how hot it is here in Manila. 

Anyways, it's already late in the afternoon when we arrived so we immediately went to the place where we would be lodging, and my sister decided to try in the cheapest place she could see, the Cosmic Guest House and coincidentally, that's also the place where my co-workers stayed during their trip in HK last year. To maximize our stay in HK, we decided to start our tour right after we were settled. And our first stop, the Avenue of Stars.
The following day, we decided to went and spend half of the day in Hongkong Disneyland!!!

Just took some photos and rode one ride, the Space Mountain coz all the other rides were either too childish for us or the queuing line is too long and we don't have enough time to stay.

After that we went to The Peak, and because it's already nighttime and the place is at the peak...we experienced the coldest temp in HK and we already had a smoky breath.

After that, we went to the night market to do some shopping and buy some souvenir but unfortunately we didn't find one or rather we don't have enough money to buy one. We decided to look first in Macau and if we didn't find any then we'll go back in HK to buy our souvenirs, after all our flight going back is in HK.

Our Hongkong trip is so good and so fast that I really wanted to go back there someday. There's still a lot of places I would like to visit. I really heart HK now, and if I ever go back there I promise to bring lots of money so I could go shopping. I really want to have a trench coat and gloves while walking in the streets of HK so next time I'll visit I'll do that. 

Friday, January 14, 2011

Unexpected News

My UK employer called me but unfortunately I wasn't able to answer her call.

She then emailed me and told me the news:  the UK hospital may reconsider to employ us once more.

I'm happy to hear the news and I hope and pray that this is a good sign.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Snapshot #11: Bills, Bills, Bills

Old Peso Bills
With the release of the new peso bills, these old peso bills will become much older...and I'll have a new addition to my collection of old bills :)

Monday, January 10, 2011

Snapshot #10: The Watch

UST Swatch Watch
A lifesize version of the UST Quadricentennial Swatch Watch. Nice :)

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Snapshot #9: The Ride

Space Shuttle
A roller coaster ride on a stormy day...scary ride plus scary weather, san ka pa!

When We Painted A Kingdom Yellow...

Christmas Parties/ Get Togethers won't be over until we say so...and so even though it is already January, we still continue the Perps-OR Christmas Party and Reunion. We we're all excited for this event. Wala lang magkikita-kita na kasi kaming mga naging staff sa OR doon. It's been a while and we do miss each other.

Enchanted Kingdom is the place to be and the theme is yellow...the reason for the color, I don't know. Just a trip I guess. It was my first time to visit the place and so para akong bumalik sa pagkabata na may field trip na pupuntahan. Excited much! :)

I don't have any money and good thing this Christmas Get-Together is sponsored by the surgeons and anesthesiologists of Perps.

Enjoy na sana but unfortunately, umuulan ng dumating kami. Even our sun dance wasn't good enough to stop the rain. But the rain won't stop us to enjoy the Kingdom. Anchor's Away, Space Shuttle, Rio Grande and even the Fiesta something is love. 3D and 4D experience is good, actually we entered Rialto because it is raining hard outside and we need to run for cover...
Charice's mini concert is a bonus for us. We decided to wait for the fireworks display, so while waiting, we played in the arcade and made a second round in the Anchor's Away and other rides we love so much.

Rain won't stop us from enjoying but unfortunately some of us experienced horrible things to have fun and enjoy anymore. Liza was stuck in the infirmary after our ride in the Space Shuttle...tsk tsk..motion sickness is the enemy but the worse is the thief who stole Zen's cellphone while we we're watching the mini concert of Charice.

But all in all, it was a nice reunion. We enjoyed the company of each other and we enjoyed EK. :)

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Snapshot #8: Starbucks Tumbler- World Collection

Starbucks Tumbler
A collection of Starbucks Tumbler around the World :)

Friday, January 7, 2011

Snapshot #7: One of A Kind Car

Lego Car
A cute lego car I came across while going home. Very artistic!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Snapshot #6: Ticket With A Message

A friendly reminder
This is a Skyway Pass

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Dalaw, Kape at Patatas

Finally,we we're able to watch the most elusive movie of all time, Dalaw. Actually we didn't planned it. Just a sudden impulse to do it. At least Carla and Rain was able to join us.

It was worth it. Although I guess they should have made it more seriously without any hints of comedy like that of Feng Shui or Sukob. It didn't beat Feng Shui when it comes to what is more scarier category although it is more scarier compared to Sukob. Even the evil entity is scarier here than in Sukob.

After that Carla, Emjay and I, went to Mocha Blends and tried their drinks while eating Koryo's Garlic Potato. Rain and Bogs went home immediately after.

Snapshot #5: Milk Tea

Milk Tea from Serenitea
A relaxing drink after a toxic day

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Snapshot #4: The Shot Glass

Shot Glass!
Souvenir from Singapore

Monday, January 3, 2011

Snapshot #3: The Menu

Shakey's Menu
The Food Menu of Shakey's Pizza Restaurant me and my highschool buddies ate last time

Movies and Reunion

And because we're still in the holiday spirit and all of us (my co-casuals) don't have any work, we decided that today is the right time to watch Dalaw, one of Star Cinema's film entry in MMFF. The last time we decided to watch the movie, it was an epic fail, only Emjay, me and Bogs came in the meeting place, so this time around we're expecting it would not be another failure but unfortunately at the very last minute, everyone backed out due to many reasons. So in the end, kaming tatlo lang ulet, hence the Trinoma Buddies were born.

We decided not to watch the movie anymore because like before the cinema is still full and we don't have good seats to begin with. We decided to just eat instead. We ended up eating in Cafe Breton where we ordered Breton Mozarella Burger, which is too pricey for an average burger.
Breton Mozarella Burger - Php 195.00
After that, I went straight to Eton Centris to meet my highschool batchmates. It was a short notice from them. They just texted me an hour before the meeting and luckily I was just around the area and so I was able to meet them.

We ate dinner at Shakey's then went to Timog to chill out in Starbucks till 2 in the morning. I miss the guys so even though I have work in the morning (at 6am to be exact) I just can't leave them. Good thing we don't have a lot of case the following day coz the surgeons were still in their holiday off or rather they still don't want to operate because of the holiday spirit, sino bang gustong mag-trabaho kung lahat e nasa bakasyon pa?. :)

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Snapshot #2: Burger

Breton Mushroom Burger
One of the bestsellers in Cafe Breton, worth Php 195.00

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Snapshot #1: Cupcakes

Apple Banana Cupcake :)

The cupcake that I baked for the holiday season. :) Delicioso!

The Year That Has Been and Will Be

2010....full of surprises, dreams and hopes, of suffering, let downs and emotional breakdown (lesser though compared to 2009). This is the year where I had dreamed of leaving the country. Tired of the job that didn't satisfy me anymore. There is a spark of hope in the first quarter of the year. I tried UK and US (again) but unfortunately I failed to pass their interviews. That was so heartbreaking. The start of the second quarter is much better, new opportunities came. I was able to grab a job offer in UK and I was able to return in my previous hospital (which is much better compared to my current workplace). The third quarter has been a slump but I enjoyed the company of my co-nurses. I found new friends. By the end of the year, another disappointment came, due to the recession in UK, the hospital were I was supposed to go to made a decision to cancel my job offer. But I'm still hoping.

2010 is the year that I've watched more films rather than read more books. Out of the 52 books that I should have read, I was able to read only 12 books.

12 Books out of 52..I wasn't able to meet the goal :(

This was also the time that I was able to visit new and old provinces. For the first time I was able to experience the magic of Bohol and was able to visit the home of the sisig, Pampanga! We also tried to visit the tourist attractions in Davao and splurge in Samal Island. And as usual we had our yearly visit in Siquijor Island.
Bohol, Davao, Pampanga and Samal Island :)
2011...the year of everything new: challenges, hopes and dreams, surprises and adventures. My only resolution is simple, that is to become happy and appreciate life as the days goes on. Hope for the best but do not expect too much. Love. Eat. Pray. Travel. Laugh. Cry. Enjoy the company of not just the good people but also the bad.

Two Goals for this year: Continue the challenge of Reading 52 books in 52 Weeks and to try the Project 360 - that thing where you take photos everyday for a year.

And So I Welcome Myself

I decided to transfer now from Tabulas to here for various reasons but mostly because I thought that I need a new page for me to have the motivation to write again.

Anyways, I'm not closing my previous tabulas account, instead I'm crossposting so whatever I post here, my other blog will also get updated and vice versa.

And so I welcome myself here and I wish that I'll be able to update this blog as often as I can. :)