Thursday, April 21, 2011

From Blessedness To Bitchiness

It's Maundy Thursday once again and this is the time to do our annual Visita Iglesia.

Come to think of it, I think we always do this every single year without a miss. Although I hope someday we would be able to do this in the province area. Seeing and visiting old churches to do the Visita Iglesia seems fun but of course one must never forget the real reason why we do the Visita Iglesia and that is to contemplate and meditate.

Anyways, today is also my 2-10 HNOD, I know that I have one case in the afternoon but what I didn't know is that I only have two staff. To make matters worse, our anesthesiologist is the bitchiest among them all, and saying that she's bitchy doesn't even describe her attitude.

Anyways, being able to do the Visita Iglesia, helps me to be more patient even if she started being hateful. I'm just glad that we only spent a couple of hours dealing with her.

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