Saturday, January 29, 2011

Mass and Dinner

It's the second event for the Quadri celebration of UST.

It is also our RLE reunion today.

And I have my night duty.

Anyways, what I was really looking forward today is not just our RLE reunion but also the Thanksgiving Mass that will be presided by Cardinal Grocholewski, Legate of His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI together with the 30 Bishops. 

Pope Benedict XVI also gave a warm message to the Thomasian community through a video conference straight from the Vatican, which made all Thomasians proud.
After the mass, our RLE met up minus seven. Yup, it happens all the time only five of us are always available and only four of us are always present. Anyways, we didn't attend the formal dinner for the alumni because the tickets were a little bit pricey. There are free foods in the Barrio Fiesta but unfortunately only students were allowed to eat there.

So we decided to ate instead in the Chicken Inasal in Dapitan, and even though I only have 30minutes left before my duty I opted to stay, after all it is our RLE reunion. Although I didn't really felt that it was a reunion because the people who arrived where the same people I met everyday or rather everytime we decided to meet up.

Hay, I just hope the next time we called for a reunion, my RLEmates won't hesitate to come. I miss them so much :(

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